Title | Author | Pages |
A Guide to Find the True Church | Michael G. Urangikor | 12 |
A Reply to a Denominational Preacher | Guy V. Caskey | 65 |
A Reply to a Jehovah's Witness | Guy V. Caskey | 79 |
A Reply to a Mormon | William L. Hearn | 71 |
A Reply to a Moslem | Guy V. Caskey | 34 |
A Reply to an Adventist | Guy V. Caskey | 111 |
A Reply to Teaching on Infant Baptism | Dessain Terry | 16 |
A Virgin Shall Conceive & Bear a Son | Guy V. Caskey | 8 |
Alcohol and Drug Abuse | David Caskey | 15 |
And When They Had Prayed | Guy V. Caskey | 31 |
Broadmindedness | L.R. Wilson | 11 |
Why I Am a Member of the Lord's Church | Tirey G. Samsill | 8 |
By What Authority Doest Thou These Things | Guy V. Caskey | 26 |
Bible References (Bookmark) | N/A | N/A |
Christian Faithfulness | Guy V. Caskey | 14 |
Do–It–Yourself Bible Study | Robin Wolfe | 47 |
Do Not Forsake the Assembly | Guy V. Caskey | 8 |
Do This in Remembrance of Me | Guy V. Caskey | 11 |
From Catholic Nun to New Testament Christian | Joanne Howe | 28 |
From My Heart to Yours | Maxie B. Boren | 51 |
God's Fierce Anger | Dave Miller | 7 |
Good News for You | Bill Minick | 4 |
Sin, Guilt and Salvation | Dwight Whitsett | 5 |
Grace and Works | John Bannister | 8 |
Guilt | Kenneth W. Greene | 14 |
Having Appointed Elders | Guy V. Caskey | 14 |
He Shall Tell Thee Words | Guy V. Caskey | 419 |
How Readest Thou? | Guy V. Caskey | 40 |
How to Set Up a Church in Your Home | Cline R. Paden | 20 |
I Will Send You the Spirit of Truth | Guy V. Caskey | 47 |
If Therefore the Whole Church | Guy V. Caskey | 52 |
Is Baptism Necessary | Guy V. Caskey | 9 |
The Essentiality of Baptism | David Tappe | 4 |
Is There a Sure Way to Heaven? | K.P. Patridge | 10 |
Jesus Loves Us Series: God Takes Care of His Children | Odeal Pearcy | 58 |
Jesus Loves Us Series: God's Creation | Odeal Pearcy | 54 |
Jesus Loves Us Series: Jesus and His Covenant | Odeal Pearcy | 50 |
Jesus Loves Us Series: Jesus, Our Friend | Odeal Pearcy | 49 |
Jesus Loves Us Series: Jesus, Our Leader | Odeal Pearcy | 34 |
Jesus Loves Us Series: Jesus, Our Savior | Odeal Pearcy | 43 |
Jesus Loves Us Series: Jesus, Our Teacher | Odeal Pearcy | 30 |
Jesus Loves Us Series: Jesus, the Son of God | Odeal Pearcy | 36 |
Jesus Loves Us Series: Teacher's Guide | Odeal Pearcy | 98 |
Let Me Tell You About Jesus and His Church | Art Haddox | 84 |
Some Things You Should Know About Jesus and His Church | Taken from the Gospel Minutes | 4 |
Let's Reconsider Reincarnation | David Lusk | 19 |
Licentiousness: A Variety of Sins | Guy V. Caskey | 30 |
Polygamy vs. God's Way | Dwight Whitsett | 9 |
Religious Questions, Biblical Answers | Guy V. Caskey | 24 |
Restoring the New Testament Church | Paul McClung | 12 |
Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth | Guy V. Caskey | 6 |
God Called Them Christians | Guy V. Caskey | 9 |
Shepherding the Sheep | Harold (Rusty) Russwurm | 32 |
Since A.D. 33 | W.L. Oilphant | 6 |
Removing the Ancient Landmarks | Eldred L. Echols | 9 |
Sing and Make Melody | Guy V. Caskey | 12 |
Song Books | N/A | 100 songs |
The Christian in the Church | Guy V. Caskey | 52 |
The Christian Increases | Christians from Farmington, NM | 40 |
The Churches of Christ: Who Are These People?1 | Joe R. Barnett | 12 |
The Cross of Christ | Avon Malone | 16 |
The Crucifixion of Jesus | Douglas Leatherman, M.D. | 8 |
The Death of Christ | Johnny Ramsey | 7 |
The Exceeding Sinfulness of Sin | Guy V. Caskey | 377 |
The Fellowship of Love | Kenneth W. Greene | 8 |
The High Cost of Sin | Johnny Ramsey | 15 |
The Lord's Supper | Harold (Rusty) Russwurm | 8 |
The Loveliness of Jesus | Johnny Ramsey | 12 |
The Message of the New Testament | Johnny Ramsey | 11 |
The One True and Living God | Odeal Pearcy | 16 |
The Overcomers (Revelation) | Mike Hadwin | 228 |
The Plan of Salvation (Tri–fold) | N/A | N/A |
The Rejected But Victorious Jesus | Odeal Pearcy | 16 |
The Sacrificial System | Gerald Paden | 135 |
The Tabernacle | Charles McKnight | 18 |
The Value of Being a Christian | Johnny Ramsey | 11 |
To Give is God-like | Harold (Rusty) Russwurm | 10 |
What All Mankind Should Know | David Caskey | 21 |
What Every “New” Christian Should Know | David Caskey | 8 |
What Every Christian Should Know | David Caskey | 37 |
What is the Church of Christ? | Guy V. Caskey | 12 |
What the Christian Woman Can Do in the Church | Guy V. Caskey | 12 |
What Was the Purpose of Miracles? | Guy V. Caskey | 7 |
Can You Speak in Tongues? | Jerome Savage | 7 |
When the Last Curtain Falls | Johnny Ramsey | 8 |
Why I Left the Baptist Church | Grover Stevens | 36 |
Why I Left the Catholic Church | Joseph C. Malone | 40 |
Why I Left the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints | Henry Seidmeyer | 15 |
Why I Left the Methodist Church | Claude B. Holcomb | 21 |
Why I Left the Nazarene Church | Waymon D. Miller | 20 |
Why Not Be a Moslem? | Guy V. Caskey | 28 |
Why Not Just the Bible? | anonymous Nigerian Evangelist | 8 |
Zealously Religious but Without God & | E.G. Josiah | 5 |
How Can I Find the Right Church? | Prince Nweke Sylvanus | 6 |
1Due to an agreement with the author, Mission Printing only provides this book outside the United States. You may contact the author, Joe R. Barnett, Houston, TX, if you need the material. We are sorry for the inconvenience.