Front Cover
Odeal Pearcy
Illustrations by
Glenna Lee
Edith Pulley
Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden
Genesis 1:26–31; 2:4–25, 3:1–24
Memory Verse: I John 3:1a
“How great is the love God has given us.”
As the teacher reads you this story listen carefully: then you will be able to answer the questions she will ask you.
What a beautiful garden! So many pretty flowers! So many gorgeous colors! How sweet the flowers smelled! Just look at all the trees! Different kinds of trees were in the garden. Many of the trees had delicious fruit. The plants were watered by a mist that came up from the ground. Also, a river went through the garden to give water. The Garden of Eden must have been a very good place to live. Anyone could have been happy there.
God planted the Garden of Eden as He was making the earth. In this garden He put the man and woman He had made. They were named Adam and Eve. God gave Adam the privilege of naming all the animals. As the animals passed by, Adam decided what each one would be called. There were elephants, lions, giraffes, zebras, rabbits, squirrels, dogs, cats, and many, many more. God told Adam and Eve, “I have given you every plant and every tree that has fruit for your food. You may eat of the fruit of every tree, except one.”
God told them there was a tree growing in the middle of the garden. This was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. They must not eat the fruit of this tree, or even touch the fruit. If they did, they would die.
Just imagine living in such a beautiful garden with all the fruit and other plants you wanted to eat. You would not have to be concerned about your food at all. Of course, they needed something to do, so God told Adam to take care of the garden, to keep it pretty.
Adam and Eve were happy in the Garden of Eden, enjoying everything they needed. Then, there came a serpent to Eve. He was very sly. He though of himself as being quite smart. He said to Eve, "Is there any tree in the garden that God will not let you eat its fruit?"
Eve told him they were not allowed to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. She said, “God told us we would die if we eat the fruit of that tree.” The serpent said, “You shall not die. If you eat that fruit you will be like God. You will know good and evil.”
Now Eve looked at the fruit that God had told her not to eat. It looked so delicious to her! It was pretty. It would make her wise. She wondered how it tasted. She put her hand out and touched a piece of the fruit, then plucked it from the tree, and took a bite. Delicious! She ate the fruit God told her not to eat.
She took a piece of the fruit to her husband. Perhaps she said to Adam, “This fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil is very delicious. Just taste it and you will like it. It will make you
wise.” So, Adam ate the fruit, too. Now, they had disobeyed God. He had done so much for them, and they had not obeyed him.
The fruit did cause them to know good from evil. They realized they were naked and they were ashamed not to have clothes on. They gathered some fig leaves and sewed them together to cover their bodies.
In the cool of the day, they heard the sound of God walking in the garden. They hid themselves among the trees, trying to hide from God, but people cannot hide from God. He called to Adam, “Where are you?” Adam answered, ”I am hiding among the trees because I was naked. I am ashamed.”
God asked, “How do you know you are naked? Have you eaten the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil? I told you not to eat that fruit.”
Adam did not take the blame on himself for his wrong–doing. He said, “My wife gave me some fruit and I ate it.”
God asked Eve, “What is this you have done?” She answered, “The serpent made me think it was good for me, so I ate it.”
God was very displeased with them. He told them they could not live in the beautiful garden any longer. Adam would have to work hard, working the soil to make a living. Among the plants he wanted to grow, weeds and thorns would grow. Adam and Even would suffer pain and finally die.
As for the serpent, God told him he would crawl on the ground and not walk on legs any longer. He would be hated by people.
God made clothes of animal skins for Adam and Eve so they would not be ashamed. Then, God sent them out of the beautiful Garden of Eden to cultivate the soil to grow their food. Now, they would have to work hard for their food. They would have a lot of problems.
East of the garden, God placed a Cherubim and a flaming sword which turned in every direction. This was to keep them out of the Garden of Eden.
God was displeased with Adam and Eve, the man and woman He had made. But, He still loved them. He still cared for them and helped them.
Questions you will be asked to answer orally:
- What was the name of the beautiful garden God planted?
- What grew in the garden?
- Whom did God create (make) to live in this garden?
- What were their names?
- How was the garden watered?
- As the animals passed by, what did Adam do?
- What had God made for Adam and Eve to eat?
- What was Adam's work in the garden?
- Of what tree were Adam and Eve not to eat its fruit?
- Why were they not to eat of that fruit?
- Where was this tree growing?
- Who cause Eve to eat of this fruit?
- What reason did he tell Eve she should eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil?
- Who caused Adam to eat of this fruit??
- After eating this fruit, what did Adam and Eve know?
- How did they feel?
- Of what did they try to make them some clothes?
- Where did they try to hide from God?
- Whom did Adam blame for his disobedience to God?
- Whom did Eve blame?
- What was the serpent's punishment?
- What was Adam's and Eve's punishment for disobeying God?
- After they left the garden, what did Adam do to have food?
- Did they die because they disobeyed God? When?
- Of what did God make their clothes?
- Did God still love them?
As the teacher reads these sentences, fill in the words that should be in the blanks.
Tell something you have learned abut Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, perhaps the way you think they might have felt: (a) God, when His creatures disobeyed him; (b) Adam and Eve when they had to leave the Garden of Eden.
God made you!
God loves you!
Jesus loves you!
Noah And His Big Ship
Genesis 6; 7; 8; 9:1–17
Memory Verse: I John 4:7a
“Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God.”
Noah built a big ship. Why did he need a ship? Where was he going? Why did he need such a big one?
Adam and Eve had many children. Each of their children had many children. Each of their grandchildren had many children until in all the earth, there were many, many people. They had become very bad people. God saw that everything they did and every thought they had was evil all the time. The earth was filled with violence. People were hurting other people. People were killing other people. There was nothing that was good.
God knew that if things could get worse, they would. He was sorry he had made people to live on the earth. He knew they must be destroyed, for people were miserable living on the earth the way they were acting. However, God found one good man. His name was Noah.
So God told Noah that he would have to destroy all that lived on the earth. He would do this by sending rain; so much of it that there would be a flood over the whole earth. He told Noah to build an ark or ship out of gopher wood. He gave Noah directions for the building of the ship. It had three stories. There was one door and one window. Noah was to take his wife, their three sons, and their wives into the ship with him.
Noah believed God and began to build the ship as God had told him to do. We can, in our imagination, see people watching as he built the big ship. No doubt they asked, “What are you making, Noah?”
“I am building a ship,” he answered.
“A ship? What do you need with a ship? You don't need one,” they replied
But Noah replied, “I am building a ship because God told me to build one. He is going to send rain—a lot of it. There will be a flood and this ship will float on top of the water.”
But the people, no doubt, asked, “Rain? What is rain? What is a flood? Who ever heard of such a thing.” As yet, God had not sent rain on the earth. He had watered the ground with a mist that arose from the earth.
They probably laughed at Noah, thinking he was out of his mind.
But Noah kept working on the ship and trying to get the people to do better and live right. However, they would not pay any attention to Noah when he preached about God.
God told Noah he was to take two of every kind of animal into his ship to keep them alive. He was to take many more of some kinds of animals. Also, he was to take food on board for him and his family and for the animals.
Noah did all that God told him in the way that God directed. Finally the ship was finished and God was ready for them to enter the ark. Seven days before the rain began the animals went in unto Noah in the ark. Evidently, they went in peaceably. They entered the ship. Two giraffes, two elephants, two tigers, two lions, two zebras, two horses; all entered the ark. Can you name some more animals that entered the ark?
Noah and his wife, their three sons and their wives (eight people in all) went into the ship and God shut the door.
Then, the rain started to fall. Also, the Bible tells us that the windows of heaven were opened and water fell. God picked up the oceans and poured their waters on the earth. For forty days and forty nights rain came up the earth without stopping. This was about one month and ten days. If you get tired of rain, think of Noah and his family in the ark.
More and more water was on the earth. The ship was lifted by the waters and floated on top of the water. It floated because Noah made the ark according to God's directions. He did all that God commanded him. The hills were covered by water. Then the mountains were covered by water.
The water stayed on the earth for one hundred and fifty days. That is about five months. The water began to drain off the earth into the oceans. It began to evaporate. (If you put water in a glass, what becomes of the water?)
As the waters went away, the big ship was set down on a high mountain. Can't you see, in your imagination, the eight people in the ark wondering what was happening?
Perhaps someone said excitedly, “Our ship is on land again!” Another may have said, “I wonder where on earth we are!” Then, Noah said, “It does not matter. God is taking care of us.”
After forty more days, Noah opened the window of the ark and sent out a bird called a raven. He flew here and there until the waters were dried up.
Next, Noah sent a dove to see if it could find a place to land. It could not, so it flew back to the ship.
After seven days he sent the dove out again. In the evening the dove flew back with a leaf of an olive tree in its beak. Noah knew the waters were going off the earth.
When he sent the dove out the third time, after waiting another week, the bird did not come back. In that way, Noah knew the bird had found land. Finally, Noah took the covering off the ark and was so very happy to see the dry ground.
God told Noah to bring his family and all of the animals out of the ark to dry land. Don't you know they were glad to be safely on the ground again after approximately twelve months in the ark? I can see those animals running here and there, so happy to be free, can't you?
Noah was so happy and thankful that he built an altar and made sacrifices to God.
Then God made a promise to Noah and to all people who have lived since then and to all animals. He said He would never again destroy the whole earth with a flood. He put a rainbow in the clouds as a sign of His promise. So, when you see a rainbow in a cloud, remember God's promise to all of us to never send a flood on the whole earth again.
Questions you will be asked to answer orally:
- What were all the people on earth like?
- The earth was filled with violence. What does that mean?
- What caused God to be sad?
- What was God sorry that He had done?
- Why did God send a flood on the whole earth?
- Who was the good man God found?
- What did He tell Noah to buid?
- How many stories did the ship have?
- How many doors?
- How many windows?
- What kind of wood did Noah use to build the ark or ship?
- Why was rain a strange thing to the people that lived then?
- Who entered the ark with Noah?
- How many people were in the ark?
- How many of each kind of animal did Noah take into the ark?
- Did he take more of some kinds of animals?
- What else did he take?
- When the ship was finished, how did Noah so easily get the animals into the ship?
- After all were in the ark, who shut the door?
- How many days and nights did the rain fall?
- Besides sending rain and opening the windows of heaven, how else did God get more water on the land?
- Why did the ark float on the waters?
(Because Noah did all that God commanded.) - How long was the water over all the earth?
- As the water went away, where was the ark set down?
- What kind of bird did Noah first send out of the ark?
- What kind of bird did he send out the second time?
- How many times did he send out the dove?
- On the second time out, what did the dove bring back to Noah?
- When the dove did not come back the last time, what did Noah know?
- When Noah and his family came out of the ship, what did he do?
- What was God's promise to Noah, to the animals, and all of us?
- What did God put in the clouds as a sign of his promise?
As the teacher reads these sentences, fill in the words that should be in the blanks.
Tell something you learned about Noah and his ark; perhaps the way you think they might have felt: (a) Noah and his family when the rain began; (b) when the waters lifted their ship and it floated; (c) when the ark was set down on the mountain; and (d) when they came out of the ship
God loves you!
God is love!
Joseph with His Family
Genesis 37; 39
Memory Verse: I John 4:8
“He that does not love, does not know God, for God is love.”
Listen as the teacher reads a story about a boy named Joseph, so you will be able to answer the questions about the story.
Are you a member of a big family? How would you like to have many brothers and sisters?
Joseph had eleven brothers and several sisters. He was next to the youngest child. Several of his brothers were much older than he was. His father was getting old when Joseph was born, so he loved Joseph more than he loved his older sons. Jacob, his father, made him a coat of many colors. This made his brothers jealous of him. They did not like him very much and would not speak nicely to him.
When Joseph was seventeen, he had some dreams that were very disturbing to his family. In those days God gave messages to people in their dreams.
Joseph said to them, “Please let me tell you my dream. In my dream we were in a field putting hay in bundles or sheaves. My bundle or sheaf rose up and stood upright. Then your sheaves stood round about my sheaf and bowed down to my sheaf.”
His brothers angrily said, “Do you think you are going to have authority over us? Do you think you will be king?” And his brothers hated Joseph even more.
Sometime after that, Joseph had another dream. He told his father and brothers this dream. “In this dream, the sun, the moon, and eleven stars bowed down to me.” His father rebuked
him, but he kept thinking about his young son's dreams. His brothers hated him more and more.
Now Jacob had great flocks of sheep. His ten older sons took the sheep quite a long distance away so they could find grass for the sheep. Their father was anxious to know how they were doing, so he sent Joseph to see if they were getting along well.
Joseph's brothers saw him coming, even when he was a long way off. They said to one another, “Here comes that dreamer. Let us kill him and then see what becomes of his dreams. We will tell our father some wild animal ate him.”
Reuben, Joseph's oldest brother, did not want to kill him. He knew that was wrong. So he said, “Oh, let us not kill him. We should not shed his blood. Let us put him in this pit.” (A pit is a deep hole in the ground.) Reuben intended to come back later when his brothers moved on. He would get Joseph out of the pit and take him back home to his father. But Reuben had to go some place else, probably to see about his sheep.
As Joseph came to where his brothers were, they grabbed him, took off his coat of many colors, and threw him into the pit. Joseph did not know what to think. He did not know his brothers hated him that much.
As his nine brothers were eating their lunch, a group of people called Ishmaelites (Ish’–me–el–ites) came on camels on their way to Egypt. Judah, one of the older brothers, suggested, “What
do we have to gain by killing our brother. Come on, let us sell him to these Ishmaelites.” His brothers consented to do just that. So they pulled Joseph out of the pit. He probably thought they had been trying to scare him and would now set him free. However, they took him over to the road to the Ishmaelites and began to ask them if they would buy Joseph. Joseph begged and pleaded with them not to sell him, but they sold him to these people for twenty pieces of silver. Joseph went with the Ishmaelites on toward Egypt.
Joseph's life had been saved, but he was being taken farther and farther away from home. Would he ever see his father again?
When Reuben came back to the pit to get his young brother out, he was not there. Reuben was so upset that he tore his clothes. He said to himself, “What shall I do? Where shall I go?” Too late he learned from his other brothers that they had sold Joseph and he was on his way to Egypt.
The brothers killed a goat and dipped Joseph's coat in its blood. When they reached home, they gave the coat to their father, Jacob, and said, “Is this your son's coat?” Jacob said, “Yes, it is Joseph's coat. Some wild animal has eaten him.” He cried and cried. His sons and daughters tried to comfort him, but he refused to be comforted.
These brothers almost committed murder. They sold their brother as a slave. Now, they had to tell a lie to cover up what they had done. What will they do next?
In the meantime, Joseph had been sold in Egypt to Potiphar. The king of Egypt was called Pharaoh. Potiphar was an officer of Pharaoh's. Joseph now belonged to Potiphar.
However, Joseph was not alone. God was with him and caused good things to come to him. Potiphar made him overseer of his house. All that he had he put into Joseph's hands. Because of Joseph, God blessed the house of Potiphar. Everything went well for a long time. Then, Potiphar's wife told a lie about Joseph. Potiphar believed her and put him in prison.
So much has happened that's not good. Joseph could have given up. He could have thought, “What's the use of trying to
do right?” But he did not. God was with Joseph and showed him mercy. God caused the keeper of the prison to see how good Joseph was. He made Joseph in charge of all the other prisoners.
Questions you will be asked to answer orally:
- How many brothers did Joseph have?
- How many were younger than Joseph?
- What did his father make him?
- Why were his older brothers jealous of him?
- Tell us Joseph's first dream.
- Tell us Joseph's second dream.
- Because of his dreams, what did his brothers ask him?
- What did Jacob and his sons do for a living?
- Where did Jacob send Joseph?
- When his brothers saw him, what did they plan to do?
- Who did not want to kill him?
- Where did he suggest they put him?
- What did Reuben intend to do when the others went away?
- While Reuben was gone, what happened to Joseph?
- For how much money did they sell him?
- What did the brothers do to Joseph's coat?
- What did Jacob think had happened to his young son?
- How did Jacob feel?
- Into what country was Joseph sold?
- Who bought him in Egypt?
- Who was with Joseph?
- How did God help him?
- Why did Potiphar put Joseph in prison?
- How did God help him in prison?
As the teacher reads these sentences, fill in the words that should be in the blanks.
Tell something you have learned about Joseph and his brothers, perhaps the way you think Joseph might have felt: (a) when thrown in the pit; (b) when they got him out of the pit; © when they sold him; and (d) when Potiphar put him in prison.
God loves you!
He is looking after you!
Joseph in a Strange Land
Genesis 40; 41
Memory Verse: I John 4:11
“Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another."”
The teacher will read to you about Joseph while he was in a strange land. How will he behave? Listen to this story, and then you will be able to answer the questions about it.
While Joseph was in prison, Pharaoh, the king, became angry with his butler and his baker. He put them in prison where Joseph was over them. After being in prison for some time, both the butler and the baker had dreams that disturbed them. Joseph learned why they looked so sad. He told them, “What dreams mean belong to God. I will pray to God to tell me their meaning.”
Joseph told the baker that Pharaoh would soon take his life. But he told the butler his dream meant that in three days he would be taken out of prison and have his job back. Of course, the butler as very happy. Joseph asked the butler to think of him kindly and tell Pharaoh about him. Perhaps the king would let him out of prison.
Did the butler remember to tell Pharaoh about Joseph when he was back in the kings house? No, he did not. He thought only of himself, although Joseph had helped him.
Two whole years passed by. Pharaoh had a dream. In his dream, he was standing by a river. Seven fat cows came out of the river and ate in the meadow. Then seven skinny cows came out of the river and ate the seven fat cows. This dream awakened Pharaoh.
He went back to sleep and dreamed again. In this dream, seven good ears of corn grew on one stalk. Then seven thin ears of
corn came on the stalk. The scrawny, thin ears of corn ate the seven good ears of corn.
When Pharaoh awoke, he was troubled. What could be the meaning of his two dreams? Those two dreams were almost alike. What was going to happen?
The king called all his wise men. He told them his dreams, but none of them could tell their meaning. Then, the butler remembered that Joseph had given him the right meaning of his dream. He told Pharaoh about Joseph, and the king sent to the prison for him. Joseph quickly shaved and changed his clothes and appeared before Pharaoh.
The ruler told Joseph, “I have had two dreams that bother me very much. My wise men do not know their meaning. My butler told me that you can tell the meaning of dreams.”
Joseph replied, “I am not the one who knows the meaning of dreams. It is God who knows. I will ask him.”
Joseph listened carefully as the king told both dreams. Then, he said, "Both of your dreams have the same meaning. God is showing you what he is about to do."
Joseph continued, “The seven fat cows and the seven good ears of corn represent seven good years when there will be good crops in you fields. There will be plenty eat in your country. The skinny cows and thin ears of corn represent seven bad years when the crops your farmers plant will not grow much. There will not be enough food for your people to eat.
Joseph gave the king some advice. He said the king should appoint men to take up a certain part of the food grown during the seven years of plenty. The food would be saved so there would be enough food during the seven years of poor crops. In that way, the people of Egypt would have enough to eat. He told the king to look for a man who was wise and good to look after this matter.
Pharaoh was very pleased with what Joseph had told him. So he needed a good, wise man to look after the gathering and storing of food during the good years and to give out the food to the people during the bad years. He looked at Joseph and said, “I cannot find anyone better for this job than you. God is with you and helping you. You shall be over my house and rule my people. Only I will be greater than you.”
The king put his ring on Joseph's hand. He gave him fine clothes to wear, and he put a gold chain around his neck. He rode in the first chariot through the streets of the city, while Joseph rode in the second chariot. He told the people of Egypt that Joseph was now the ruler over all the land.
At this time Joseph was thirty years old. He married and became the father of two sons. He was busy going over all the land of Egypt during the seven years of plenty, seeing that a certain amount of food was saved.
Then came the seven bad years which were being felt in all countries; not just in Egypt. People from other countries came to Joseph for food. Still, he had plenty left for the people of Egypt.
Questions for you to answer orally:
- Whom did Pharaoh put in prison?
- Who really knew the meaning of their dreams?
- What was the meaning of the butler's dream?
- What did Joseph ask the butler to do for him?
- Did he remember to help Joseph then?
- How many years after this did Pharoah have two dreams?
- Tell us the king's first dream.
- Tell us his second dream.
- Whom did Pharaoh, at first, ask to tell him the meaning of the dreams?
- When the wise men did not know the meaning of the dreams, who remembered about Joseph?
- What did Joseph do before he appeared before the king?
- How many meanings did Pharoah's two dreams have?
- What did the seven fat cows and the seven good ears of corn represent?
- What did the seven skinny cows and the seven thin ears of corn represent?
- What did Joseph tell the king he should do?
- What should they do during the seven good years so there would be enough food during the seven bad years?
- Whom did Pharaoh appoint over this important work?
- Why did he choose Joseph for this work?
- What did he put in Joseph's hand?
- What did he give him to wear?
- What did he put around his neck?
- What did he tell the people of Egypt about Joseph?
- At this time how old was Joseph?
- How many sons did he have?
- What was Joseph busy doing during the seven years of plenty?
As the teacher reads these sentences, fill in the words that should be in the blanks.
Tell something about Joseph and Pharaoh; perhaps how you think Joseph might have felt (a) when the butler forgot him; (b) when Pharaoh called for him; and (c) when he was made ruler of Egypt.
God loves you!
He cares for you!
Joseph Sees His Family Again
Genesis 42–46
Memory Verse: I John 4:16a
“And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us."”
Where are Joseph's father and brothers? What are they doing? Will Joseph ever see them again? Let's read and find out.
Joseph's father, Jacob, and his brothers lived in the land of Canaan which may have been between 400 and 500 miles from Egypt. That was a long way in those long–ago days. The crops were poor in their land, too. They had not known to save during the years of plenty. Now they were hungry. Their families needed food to eat.
Jacob said to his sons, “I have heard there is corn for sale in Egypt. You ten older men go there and buy food for us. But Benjamin, my youngest son, shall not go.”
When the ten brothers reached Egypt, they were taken to Joseph, who was governor there. They bowed down before him, with their faces to the earth. They asked to buy food. They did not know Joseph, but he knew them. He did not want them to know he was their brother, so he spoke roughly to them. He talked in the Egyptian language. Another person told his brothers in their language what he said.
Do you remember Joseph's dreams? He remembered them. He said to them, “You are spies! You have come here to see how our fields are!”
They answered, “Oh, no, my lord. We have come to buy food. Our familes are hungry. We are good men. There were twelve of us. One of our brothers is lost to us. Our father would not let our youngest brother come.”
Joseph replied, “Just as I said. You are spies. I will not let you go home unless your youngest brother comes here. One of you
may go and bring him here.” Then, he put them in prison for three days.
But Joseph could not keep them there. He had them brought before him again. He told them, “Here is another plan, for I fear God. All of you can go home with some corn, except one of you will stay until you bring your youngest brother to me. Then I will know you are telling the truth.”
Thinking Joseph could not understand them, the ten brothers began to talk among themselves. They said this had come upon them because they had mistreated their brother. Reuben said, "You remember I tried to get you to treat him right, but you would not.”
This was too much for Joseph. He turned his back and cried. Then, he took Simeon, next to the oldest brother, and put him in prison while the others went on home.
When they reached home and looked in their sacks of corn, each of them found the money they had paid for their corn. They were afraid, wondering whey the money should be there. The did not know Joseph had told his men to put their money in their sacks. Of course, their father, Jacob, was very sad that his son, Simeon, was in prison in Egypt.
In due time all their corn was eaten and they were becoming hungry again. Jacob told his sons to return to Egypt for more corn. They reminded him they could not go unless Bejamin went with them.
When Jacob realized all of them would starve unless they got food from Egypt, he consented to let Benjamin go. He told them to take a present to the governor of Egypt. They took honey, spices, myrrh, nuts, and almonds. Also, they took twice as much money so they could give the money back for their first corn.
When the ten brothers reached Egypt, Joseph had a meal prepared at his house for them. Simeon was released from prison to eat with them. The eleven brothers were seated at the table according to their ages, beginning with oldest to the youngest. They were astonished. “Who would know our
ages?” they wondered. They gave Joseph his present. He asked, “Is your father in good health? Is he still alive?” They said that he was, as they bowed before Joseph.
When Joseph saw Bejamin, he said, “God be gracious unto you,” and he hurried away to cry. He did not want his brothers to see him cry. He washed his face, returned to them, and ate with them.
After buying corn, the eleven brothers started toward home. They were just outside the city, when they were overtaken by a man sent by Joseph.
He said, “One of you has stolen my master's silver cup.”
Of course, all of them said that was not true. No one had stolen Joseph's cup. They were so sure that they said, “If you find the cup in any of our sacks, that person will die. All of us will become the govenor's slaves.”
The man began with Reuben's sack. No silver cup there! Then, he looked in Simeon's sack. No silver cup there! This was true of the next eight brother's sacks. They were feeling everything was all right. But, when he looked in Benjamin's sack, there was the silver cup! They were so overcome with sorrow, they tore their clothes. Benjamin was not a thief. The cup had been put in the sack back in the city. Anyway, they had to return to the city and face Joseph.
Joseph said, “Why have you done this?” All of them fell before him. He told them Benjamin must be his prisoner. The others could go home.
Judah begged Joseph, saying, “Please let me be the prisoner instead of Benjamin. If he does not go home, our father will die. We have sinned in regard to our other brother. God is punishing us for that, but I cannot see my father suffer so.”
Joseph could not go through this any longer. He told all his servants to leave. He cried aloud before his brothers and said, “I am Joseph. Is my father still alive?”
The eleven brothers could not answer for their fear. Here was their brother they had sold as a slave. He is now ruler of Egypt. What would he do to them.
Joseph said, “Come near to me.” When they came near, he continued, “I am Joseph whom you sold. Now do not be sad or angry with yourselves. God is really the one who sent me here to save your lives. There is going to be five more years when food is scarce, so hurry and return to Canaan for our father. Bring him and all your families to live here so you will not starve.”
Pharaoh was pleased with the idea of bringing these people to live in Egypt. He sent supplies and wagons to bring them.
When the eleven brothers reached Canaan and told their father about Joseph being governor of Egypt, he just could not believe it. He saw the wagons and realized this must be true. He was over joyed to learn that his long lost son was still alive.
God spoke to Jacob, telling him not to be afraid to go to Egypt. He said he would make a great nation of Jacob's children. So, Jacob, his eleven sons, and their families, seventy in all, traveled in the wagons to Egypt to live.
In his chariot Joseph raced to meet them as they came close. He and his father fell into each others arms and cried for joy.
Joseph gave his father, his brothers, and their families a very good place to live in Egypt.
Questions for you to answer orally.
- Where did Joseph's brothers and father live?
- Where did Joseph send his ten oldest sons?
- Who did not get to go?
- Why did they go?
- When the brothers came to Joseph, what did they do?
- What did Joseph accuse them of being?
- Whom did he say they must bring to him?
- Who had to stay in prison until Benjamin was brought to Joseph?
- When the nine brothers reached home, what did they find in their sacks besides corn?
- How did Jacob feel about his son Simeon staying in prison in Egypt?
- When their corn was almost eaten, and Jacob told them to return to Egypt for more corn, why did they not go at first?
- When they did go, what did they take to Joseph?
- Why did they take twice as much money this time?
- Now ten brothers are going to Egypt. Simeon is in prison. Who is the tenth one??
- When they reached Egypt, where did they eat?
- In what order were the eleven brothers seated at the table?
- What did Joseph ask about their father?
- After the eleven brothers were overtaken on their way home, what was found in Benjamin's sack?
- Who had put it there?
- Whom did Joseph say must be his prisoner?
- What did Judah beg Joseph to let him do?
- What did this cause Joseph to do?
- Then, what did Joseph tell his brothers?
- Whom did he tell them to bring to Egypt to live?
- How many more bad years were there yet to be?
- How many people left Canaan to live in Egypt?
- How did they travel?
- Who told Jacob not to be afraid to go to Egypt?
- As they came near the city in Egypt, what did Joseph do?
As the teacher reads these sentences, fill in the words that should be in the blanks.
Tell something about today's story. How do you think these people felt: (a) Joseph when his brothers bowed down to him; (b) his brothers when Joseph accused them of being spies; (c) Joseph when he first saw his brothers; (d) Simeon when he could not go home; (e) Jacob when he had to let Benjamin go; (f) Benjamin when the silver cup was found in his sack; (g) the brothers when they had to return to face Joseph; (h) Joseph when he told them who he was; (i) the brothers when they learned Joseph was the governor; and (j) Jacob when he met Joseph again.
God loves you!
Jesus loves you, too!
Baby Moses
Exodus 1; 2; 3; 14
Memory Verse: I John 4:19
“We love him, because he first loved us."”
A newborn baby! What a delight! Moses was born in Egypt a long time after Joseph died. Was there something unusual about this baby? Let's read and find out.
Joseph brought his father, brothers, and their families, seventy people in all, to Egypt and got them settled there. After several hundred years had passed, the number of them grew and multiplied until there were more than a million of them. A million is a lot of people, isn't it?
As long as Joseph lived and was ruler of Egypt, everything went well with the family of Jacob. Jacob was also called Israel, so his family was called the children of Israel or Israelites.
As the years went by, the king, who was always called Pharaoh, did not remember Joseph. He saw that the children of Israel were more in number than the Egyptians. He even said they were stronger than his people. He became afraid of them. He was afraid they would make war against him.
So, he began to be mean to the children of Israel. He made them work for him. He put Egyptian men over them to make their work very hard. The Israeelites built two treasure cities for the king. Pharaoh treated the Isralites very badly. Their work became harder and harder. Not only was their work terribly hard, but the Egyptians made the work more difficult. Life was miserable. Can you imagine working, working, working all the time? But that did not stop them from growing in numbers.
An Israelite named Amram married a woman named Jochebed. They had a son named Aaron and a daughter named Miriam.
After this, Pharaoh, the bad king, made a law that all baby boys were to be thrown into the Nile River. How mean can he be?
Amram and Jochebed had another baby son. He was a beautiful baby. Of course, the mother could not and would not throw her baby boy in the river. She took care of him and was able to hide him until he was three months old. She could no longer keep him hidden from the people Pharaoh sent to find any live baby boys.
So she made a little boat. She made it so it would not sink in water. She lovingly placed her baby in the little boat. No doubt, she told him how much she loved him, and how much it hurt her to have to put him in the little boat. Then, she went to the Nile River. She put the boat on the water among the plants that were growing along the banks of the river. And, she asked God to take care of her baby. She left because she had to for fear of the king's law, but the baby's sister, Miriam, stood some distance away to see what would happen to her baby brother.
The grown daughter of Pharaoh and her servants came walking along the river. She saw the little boat among the water plants. She sent a servant to bring it to her. When she opened the little boat, there was a baby boy! He began to cry. She knew he belonged to an Israelite, but she was not like her father. She wanted the baby for her very own. She loved him.
Miriam boldly went to Pharaoh's daughter and asked, “Shall I go and call a nurse for you from among the Israelites that she may take care of the child for you?”
The princess said she wanted her to do that. Can you guess whom Miriam got to take care of her baby brother? She ran to get her mother, but the princess probably did not know this was the baby's mother. She told the mother to take the baby home with her and take care of him. She would pay her for caring for him.
We do not know how long the parents got to keep the child, but they took good care of him and taught him about God. The Bible tells us that he grew and his mother took him to Pharoah's daughter. He became her son and she named him Moses because she got him out of the water.
Moses went to the schools of Egypt. He learned the wisdom of the Egyptians. He was mighty in words and deeds among the Egyptian people. One day he might have become the king of Egypt. He remembered what his mother had taught him about God.
When he was forty years old, he went to see his people, the Israelites. He saw an Egyptian beating an Israelite and Moses took up for the Israelite.
He quickly left Egypt, because Pharaoh tried to find him and kill him. Moses went to the land of Midian. There, he became a shepherd, looking after sheep. He married and had two sons.
After forty more years, God called Moses to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt. They were so miserable and unhappy there. God was ready to take them back to the land of Canaan to live. It had been about four hundred years since Jacob and his family had left Canaan to live in Egypt. That is a long time, isn't it?
Will Pharaoh let the Israelites leave his country? Moses and his brother Aaron had a hard time convincing the king that the children of Israel should leave! However, God sent ten different things on the people of Egypt that troubled them greatly. These were called plagues. Finally, Pharaoh said they could leave. He said, “Please, leave my country.”
So, Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt. However, they had not been gone long when Pharaoh changed his mind and started after them. Will he catch up with them and make them go back to the very hard work?
When the Israelites come to the Red Sea, God did something wonderful. He told Moses to lift up his rod and to stretch his hand over the sea, and God caused the waters to go back by a strong east wind all night. The waters were like a wall on the right hand and a wall on the left hand. The land where the water had been became dry. Then, the Israelites, more than a million people, crossed the Red Sea on dry land.
The Egyptians, riding on horses and in chariots, were right behind them. They were in the middle of the sea. God told Moses to stretch out his hand over the sea again. He did so and the water came back over the Egyptians. They could not go after the Israelites any more.
God and Moses led the Israelites toward the land of Canaan.
Questions for you to answer orally:
- What was the other name for Jacob?
- What were his grandchildren and great–grandchildren called?
- How long did things go well with the Israelites in Egypt?
- What was each king of Egypt called?
- How many of Jacob's children went to live in Egypt?
- After several hundred years passed, about how many Israelites lived in Egypt?
- Of what was Pharaoh afraid?
- How did he keep the Israelites from making war against him?
- How many treasure cities did they build for the king?
- What was life like for the Israelites?
- Because they still grew in number, what did Pharaoh say should be done with all the newborn baby boys?
- What was the name of the first son of Amram and Jochebed?
- What was the name of their daughter?
- What was their first baby like?
- How long was his mother able to hide him?
- When she could hide him no longer, what did she make?
- After placing her dear baby in the little boat, where did she put the boat?
- Who watched the boat from a distance?
- Who came along the river?
- What did she have a servant do?
- When she looked into the boat, what did the baby do?
- How did the princess feel about the baby?
- What did she want?
- Who went to the princess?
- What did she ask her?
- Whom did Miriam get for the baby's nurse?
- What did Pharaoh's daughter say she would give the mother to take care of the baby?
- When the child had grown up enough, where did his mother take him?
- What did he become?
- What did the princess name him?
- What might Moses have become some day?
- When Moses was forty years old, where did he go?
- An Egyptian was beating an Israelite. Which one did Moses take up for?
- Where did he go quickly? Why?
- Then, what did he do for a living?
- When Moses was eighty years old, what did God want him to do?
- How many things did God trouble the Egyptians with before Pharaoh said they could leave Egypt?
- What sea did the Israelites have to cross on their way out of Egypt?
- How did they get across the sea?
- What happened when the Egyptians tried to cross the Red Sea?
- Toward what land was God and Moses leading the Israelites?
As the teacher reads the sentences, fill in the words that should be in the blanks.
Tell something about today's story. How do you think these felt: (a) the Israelites when Pharaoh made them work so hard for him; (b) Amram and Jochebed when they learned about Pharaoh's law about baby boys; (c) Jochebed when she had to leave her baby in the little boat on the river; (d) Miriam as she watched from a distance; (e) Moses mother when she had to take him to Pharaoh's daughter; (f) Moses as he looked after his sheep for forty years away from his people; and (g) the Israelites, as they went through the Red Sea on dry land.
God loves you!
Jesus loves you!
And Then The Walls Fell Down
Joshua 2; 6
Memory Verse: I John 5:3
“For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments."”
Would you like to live in a city with high walls around it? Would they keep enemies out of your city? Would the walls be of any use today? This story happened a long, long time ago. Let's read to see how the walls fell and why they fell.
Moses was a wonderful man. He was the greatest leader the Israelites ever had. He worked very hard to get them back to the land of Canaan. He died when he was one hundred and twenty years old. That is really old, isn't it? Although he was so old, he could see as well as ever and he was still very young. God was with him all the way.
Then God chose Joshua to lead his people on into Canaan. The people who were living in Canaan were very bad. They were evil people. So God helped the Israelites with their battles.
Jericho was one of those bad, wicked cities. This city was at the entrance of Canaan. Something had to be done so the Israelites could go into Canaan. But the king of Jericho would not let them pass his city. In those days thick walls were built around the cities to keep their enemies out.
So Joshua sent two spies to find out what could be done. A certain woman named Rahab lived in this city, and she helped the two men. The king learned that two spies were in his city. He wanted to find them. When he asked Rahab about the two men, she told him, “When it became dark, the men left. Where
they went I do not know. If you hurry, you can catch them.” All this time, she was hiding the spies.
After the men of Jericho left the city in search of the two spies, Rahab, who lived in a house built on the wall, let the men down through a window. They held to a rope on the outside of the wall and reached the ground safely. They promised Rahab they would save her and her family when the Israelites marched against Jericho. Before they left, they said to her, “You must tie a red thread in the window when we come. Be sure to have all your family in your house.” Of course, these two men reported all this to Joshua, their leader.
The king of Jericho knew the Israelites were coming against his city. He was afraid of them. He had heard how God was helping them. So he called all his people into the city. He tightly closed the door or gate to his city. He said, “Now we are safe. No one can get in this city. Our walls are very high and very thick. No one can get over our walls.”
But God told Joshua what to do. They were to do exactly what God told thim to do, and then He said He would give them the victory and the city. Then, they could go on into Canaan.
The people were to march around Jericho. Seven priests had seven trumpets made of ram's horns on which they blew.
The also carried the ark of God. (This was not a boat). In front of the priest were armed men. Behind the priests were the people. Do you have in your mind the order in which they marched? First, the armed men, next the seven priests, and last came the people. The people were to be very quiet. Not a word was to be spoken until Joshua told them too.
They came to Jericho and marched around the walls one time. As they marched, the priests blew their trumpets. The king and the people of Jericho must have wondered why the Israelites marched around their city one time and left. Would they come back?
The next day the Israelites again marched one time around the walled city just as they had the day before. On the third day, they marched one time. On the fourth day, they marched one time. On the fifth day, they marched one time. On day number six, they marched one time. Still nothing happened. No doubt, by this time, the king of Jericho and all his people were really worried. Were these Israelites going to march around their city forever?
On the seventh day, the Israelites got up very early. They went to the city and marched around it as in days past. They marched around a second time; then a third time; then a fourth time; then a fifth time; then a sixth time; and then a seventh time. Then, the priests blew a long blasts on their trumpets. Joshua told the people to shout for God had given them the city. The people shouted very loud.
The walls of Jericho came tumbling down. They fell down flat. The israelites ran into the city and took it. When they had done what God said to do, he caused the walls to fall.
Rahab had the red thread in her window and she and all her family were saved as the two spies had promised. They went with the Israelites as they made their way into the land of Canaan.
Questions about this story:
- How old was Moses when he died?
- What was unusual about his eyes and how he felt?
- Whom did God choose as leader for his people
- Why did the Israelites have to fight the people who were living in Canaan?
- What was one of their bad cities?
- What was built around the city? Why?
- Where was Jericho?
- Why didn't the Israelites just pass Jericho and go into Canaan?
- How many men did Joshua send to Jericho to see what could be done about moving on into Canaan?
- Who hid the spies?
- How did they escape from the city?
- What did they promise Rahab would happen when they came to capture the city?
- What must she have in her window?
- When the king of Jericho knew the Israelites were coming, what did he do?
- Why did he think they were safe?
- Who told Joshua how to take the city?
- What were the Israelites to do?
- How many priests were marching?
- What did they carry?
- What did they have to blow?
- Who was marching in front of the priests? Behind the priests?
- What did all these people do the first day? The second day?
- How many days did they march around one time each day?
- Did the walls fall down then? Why not?
- On the seventh day, how many times did they march around the city?
- Then, what did the priests do?
- What did Joshua tell the people to do?
- When they shouted, what happened?
- Why did the walls fall?
- What people of Jericho did the Israelites save?
- Where did Rahab and her family go?
As the teacher reads these sentences, fill in the words that should be in the blanks.
Tell something about today's story. How do you think these people felt: (a) Joshua when God told him what to do about Jericho; (b) the Israelites as they marched around the city; (c) Rahab as the Israelites marched around the city day after day; and (d) Rahab when the walls fell and her house was saved.
God loves you!
Jesus loves you, too!
They know you!
The Fire That Came Down From God
I Kings 18
Memory Verse: John 3:16
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
Fire from heaven! How unusual! Neither you nor I have ever seen fire come down from heaven, have we? But it did come down from heaven one time a long, long time ago. Why did God send fire from heaven? Let's read our story to find out.
The children of Israel entered Canaan and became a nation; a country. Their nation was called Israel. God allowed them to have a king as they wished. As the years went by, Israel became very wicked and very bad. God had given them a law to live by. It was called the law of Moses. One commandment was, “You shall worship no gods except the Lord, your God.”
But many of the people of Israel did not obey God. They bowed down and worshipped idols. Now, an idol is made of stone or wood or iron. It has no life. It can not see or hear or speak or love. One of the idols they called a god was Baal. The people living around the Israelites worshipped Baal. The Israelites worshipped Baal, too. They knew better because the true, living God had done so much for them.
King Ahab of Israel married a very wicked woman named Jezebel. She was not an Israelite. She worshipped Baal and had many prophets who took care of Baal. She got King Ahab to worship the idol. Then, many people worshipped him, too.
God's prophet, Elijah, tried to get them to quit worshipping idols, but they would not listen to him. To teach them a lesson about who really controlled things, Elijah asked God not to send them rain for three and one-half years. That is a very long time to live without rain, for rain is needed to make plants grow.
King Ahab was very angry at Elijah because of this. He tried to find him and kill him. One day Elijah appeared before the King. He told the king to gather all Israel and all the 450 prophets of Baal to Mount Carmel.
When they had all come to Mount Carmel, Elijah said to them, “Why are you trying to serve God and Baal, too? If the Lord is God, follow him. If Baal is the true god, follow him.” The people did not say a word.
Elijah said, “I am just one prophet of the Lord God, but Baal has 450 prophets. Let us have a contest to see who is the true living God.”
He told them to bring two big animals. In those days, people made sacrifices of animals on altars. The prophets of Baal were to choose one of the animals, cut it in pieces, and lay it on wood on their altar. They were to put no fire under the wood. Then, they were to call on Baal and their other gods to send fire to burn up the wood and the animal.
Then, Elijah would do the same, calling on his God, the Lord, to cause fire to burn up the wood and the animal.
The God who answers by sending fire to burn the wood and animals, let him be the God to worship and serve.
The Baal prophets agreed to this contest. They took an animal, got it ready, and placed it on top of some wood on an altar. They began to pray to Baal. They prayed from morning until noon. They cried, “O, Baal, hear us. Send fire to burn up this wood and this animal.” There was no answer from Baal. The prophets leaped upon the altar. Still, no fire came.
At noon, Elijah said, “Cry louder! Maybe Baal is on a journey. Cry Louder! Maybe he is sleeping and must be awakened.”
The 450 prophets of Baal were so overcome because their god had not sent fire that they cut themselves. They kept praying to Baal for several more hours. There was no fire, no voice, or anything from their god.
Then Elijah's time had come. He told the people to come near
so they could hear and see what he was doing. He fixed the altar of the Lord God for it was broken. With twelve stones he built an altar in the name of the Lord. He put wood on the altar and the cut-up animal on the wood. He dug a ditch around the altar. Then, he said, “Fill four barrels of water. Pour the water on the animal and the wood.”
Didn't Elijah know wet wood won't burn?
But, he told the men to do the same thing a second time and then a third time. That made twelve barrels of water poured over the wood and the animal. They were soaking wet. Last of all, Elijah filled the ditch with water.
Then, Elijah prayed to the true, living God. He prayed, “Lord, let it be known to Israel this day that you are God of Israel, that I am your servant and that I have done all these things because you told me to.”
Then, fire of the Lord God fell! It burned up the animals and the wood, even when they were wet. Is that all that was burned up? No! The stones were burned up. Even the dust was burned up. And that is not all! The fire licked up the water in the ditch.
The people saw the fire God sent that burned up all the animal, wood, stones, dust, and water. They fell on their faces and said, “The Lord, he is God! The Lord, he is God!”
We wish King Ahab and his wife, Jezebel, had learned to worship God, but they did not.
Elijah told Ahab to be prepared for rain. Soon there were black clouds and wind and a great rain.
Questions to answer:
- What was one of the commandments God had given to the Israelites?
- Who was king of Israel at this time?
- Who was his wife?
- What did she cause the King and people to do?
- What was one of the idols they worshipped?
- What is an idol?
- Who was God's prophet?
- How long had it been since it had rained?
- Why had Elijah asked God to keep the rain away?
- Why was the King angry with Elijah?
- When Elijah appeared before King Ahab, what did he tell the King to do?
- Where did they all meet?
- What did Elijah suggest they have? For what purpose?
- Who prayed to their God first?
- What did they ask Baal to do?
- How long did they pray to Baal?
- In fun, what did Elijah suggest they do? Why?
- Did Baal send any fire?
- When Elijah's time came, what did he tell the people to do? Why?
- Of what did Elijah build an altar to God?
- What two things did he put on the altar?
- How many times did he have water poured on the wood and the animal?
- How many barrels of water were poured each time?
- How many barrels of water in all were poured on the wood and the animal?
- What did Elijah dig around the altar?
- What did he ask God to do?
- Then what happened?
- What did the fire burn up?
- When the people saw this, what did they do?
- What did they say?
- Shortly after this, what happened?
As the teacher reads these sentences, fill in the words that should be in the blanks.
Tell something about the story you have studied today.
God loves you!
Jesus loves you!
Daniel in the Lion's Den
Daniel 6
Memory Verse: Romans 8:28
“And we know that all things work together for good to them who love God.”
Would you like to be forced from your country and taken to another country? Of course, you wouldn't! But that is what happened to Daniel. He was taken to a strange land. It was strange to him. Let's read our story to see how he behaved there.
Over and over God told the children of Israel that they must stop worshipping idols. He was very patient with them. They came back to God for awhile, then they would be so bad again. Finally God allowed them to be carried away by another king into his country. They loved their country, but they could not go back.
God wanted them to learn that he was the one, true, living God. In this strange land, they did learn this lesson.
One of these Israelites was Daniel. King Darius (Da–ri–us) liked Daniel very much. Daniel was a very good, honest young man. He always tried to do what was right. He was a good leader, too.
King Darius set up a new government because he had a large kingdom. He set one hundred twenty princes over the whole kingdom. Over the princes, he put three presidents. He made Daniel the first president. He was head over all of them except the king. This was a great honor and he was able to do his job well.
This made the other two presidents and all the princes jealous of Daniel. They wanted that power for themselves. Besides that, Daniel was from another country. They tried to find something
wrong with what he did. They watched and watched him, but could not find any fault in him.
At last, they said among themselves, “The only way we will find anything wrong with Daniel is through the law of the God he worships.” So they made a plan to get rid of Daniel.
The asked King Darius to meet with them. They told him, “All the presidents and princes of your kingdom want to honor you. We want to make a law to keep anyone from praying to any God or man for thirty days, except unto you, O King. If anyone prays to anyone except to you, he will be thrown in the den of lions.”
Now, of course, these men had not told the truth. They had said all the presidents wanted this law, but Daniel had not been asked about it.
The king made the law and signed it. Then the law could not be taken away, for this was their custom.
Soon Daniel heard about the new law. He always prayed to the one, true God three times each day. His windows were open as he prayed, facing toward his real country.
Did this new law keep him from praying to his God? Not at all! He opened his windows as usual and faced toward his country. He kneeled on his knees as he prayed and gave thanks to God. Not once, but three times daily.
The men spied on Daniel and saw him kneeling in prayer. They hurried to tell the king. They said, “King Darius, we have found somebody who has broken our new law! It is Daniel! He prays to his God three times each day!”
When the king heard this, he was very disturbed. He was very much displeased. He tried to think of some way to keep Daniel out of the lion's den. He kept thinking how he could save him. He did this until sunset.
These naughty men came to the king again and reminded him that once a law was made, it could not be changed. Remembering this, the king sorrowfully commanded that Daniel
be cast into the lion's den. As he was brought to the den, King Darius said to him, “Your God whom you serve will keep you safe from the lions.”
So Daniel was put in the lion's den and a stone was laid upon the door of the den. Then the king went sadly to to his palace. He would not eat anything. He would not let music be played as it usually was. Neither could he sleep. He kept thinking of Daniel and how foolish he, the king, had been to let such a law be made.
Very early the next morning, the king hurried to the den of lions. He cried with a sad voice to Daniel, “O Daniel, are you still alive? Was your God whom you serve able to keep you safe?"
And Daniel answered, “Yes, O King! My God sent his angel and shut the mouths of the lions! They have not hurt me at all!"
Oh, how thankful King Darius was! He commanded that Daniel be brought up out of the lion's den. He punished the other presidents and princes very severely for trying to kill Daniel.
Then King Darius wrote to all the people of his kingdom to worship the God of Daniel. He told them He is the living God who is able to do many wonderful things. He was able to save Daniel from the lions.
Daniel continued to do well in King Darius's government and in the governments of the kings who followed him.
- Why did God let a king of another country take his people out of their country?
- What lesson did the Israelites learn while they were in this strange land?
- Who was king of this foreign country at the time of our story?
- Whom did the king like very much?
- Why did he like Daniel?
- How many princes did the King set over his kingdom?
- How many presidents were over the princes?
- Who was the first president?
- Why did the other president and princes want to find fault with Daniel?
- Could they find anything wrong with him?
- How did they find a way to harm him?
- According to their new law, people could pray to only one person. Who was it?
- If anyone disobeyed this law, what was their punishment?
- Did the king agree to this law?
- Did this new law keep Daniel from praying to his God?
- Where did he pray?
- How often did he pray?
- How did King Darius feel when he learned that it was Daniel who had broken the new law?
- What did the king try to do?
- How long did he try?
- When Daniel was brought to the den, what did the king say to him?
- After Daniel was in the lion's den, what was placed on the door?
- Where did the king go?
- How did he spend the night?
- When he hurried to the lion's den early the next morning, what did he ask?
- What was Daniel's answer?
- How did the king feel?
- What did the king write to the people of his kingdom?
As the teacher reads these sentences, fill in the words that should be in the blanks.
Tell something about today's story. How do you think these people felt: (a) Daniel when he heard about the new law; (b) Daniel when he was put in the lion's den; (c) King Darius all during the night; and (d) the bad men when Daniel was alive the next morning.
God loves you!
Jesus loves you!
Memory Verse: John 15:9a
Jesus said, “As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you.”
What are the answers to these riddles?
1. All kinds of trees and plants grew in this place. The first man and woman lived there. A river went through this place. What was the name of this place?
2. A big ship was built. It was made of gopher wood. It had three stories, one door, and one window. Who made this big ship.
3. God put this in the clouds after the big flood. It was a sign of his promise that he would never destroy the whole world again by water. What was it?
4. His father made him a coat of many colors. He had dreams his brothers did not like. His brothers sold him for twenty pieces of silver. He finally became ruler of Egypt. Who was he?
5. When he was set free from prison, he forgot about Joseph, although Joseph had helped him. Who was he?
6. He dreamed seven skinny cows ate seven fat cows. He called Joseph to tell him what his dreams meant. He made Joseph ruler in Egypt. Who was he?
7. Rahab helped the two spies escape fro Jericho. She put something in her window as the Israelites marched around her city. She and her family were saved. What did she put in her window?
8. She watched over baby Moses when he was in a little boat on the Nile River. She ran to get her mother to take care of him for pharaoh's daughter. What was she?
9. Elijah was a prophet of God. He had a contest with the prophets of Baal. He had water poured on his wood, animal, and stones. What did God send when Elijah prayed?
10. The king liked him. He was a good, honest leader. He was first president over all the others. He was thrown in the den of lions, but next morning he was still alive. Who was he?
11. They were very happy as long as they obeyed God. But they ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. They were driven out from the Garden of Eden. Who were they?
12. He was the only good man that God found in the whole world. He took his family into the big ship he made. They were in the ship on top of the flood waters one hundred and fifty days. Who was he?
13. Reuben was Joseph's oldest brother. He did not want to kill Joseph. He suggested they put him in a deep pit. What did Reuben intend to do later?
14. He had twelve sons. He sent ten of them to Egypt for food. He was grieving for his lost son, Joseph. Later he went to Egypt to live. Who was he?
15. When he was little, he was taken care of by his mother. When he was older, he became the son of Pharaoh's daughter. God called him to lead his people out of Egypt. Who was he?
16. They marched around the city of Jericho. They carried the ark of God. They carried trumpets made of ram's horn. Who were they?
17. The king of Jericho called all his people into the city. He shut the door very tightly in the wall around the city. He thought they were all safe from the Israelites. What happened to that city?
18. Elijah poured twelve barrels of water on his wood, animal and altar of stone. What happened to the wood, animal, and stones?
19. He tried to save Daniel from the lion's den. He could not sleep. He would not eat. Next morning, he hurried to the den to see if Daniel was still alive. Who was he?
20. There was a tree in the middle of the Garden of Eden. God
told Adam and Eve not to eat its fruit. When they did, they had to leave the beautiful garden. What was it?
21. God brought them to Noah. Noah put them in the ark or big ship. There were two of every kind. What were they?
22. Noah sent it out of the ship three times. The second time it brought back a leaf. The last time it did not come back. What was it?
23. Benjamin was Joseph's youngest brother. The second time his brothers went to Egypt, he went, too. Something was found in his sack as he started home. What was it?
24. She had a beautiful baby boy. She loved him very much, but she put him in a little boat and left him on the river. However, she got to take care of him when he was little. Who was she?
25. An angel closed their mouths. They did not bother Daniel. Who were they?
26. It is made of stone or wood or iron. It has no life. It cannot see. It cannot hear. It cannot love or help, but some people worship it? What is it?
27. He is living in heaven. He sees us. He hears us. He loves and cares for us. He has always taken care of his children. He has always done what is best for everybody. Who is he?
Which story did you like best? Why?
Tell something about each of these: Adam, Eve, Noah, the ark, the flood, the rainbow, Joseph, Jacob, Reuben, Benjamin, the first Pharaoh, Moses, Miriam, the second Pharaoh, Jericho, Rahab, Elijah, Daniel, King Darius, and God.
God loves you!
Jesus loves you!
They care for you!
A Story About Noah
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